Usually, when you plan a vacation, you have a certain route picked out ahead of time. On this particular expedition, we are learning how to pivot and change plans at a moment’s notice. That’s what happened to us when we were deciding where to go after…
The Rig, the Route, & the Reason
A lot of people have asked me to elaborate on some of the details of our National Parks road trip. I’m in the middle of writing a blog post about how the trip came to be because it’s a pretty unique and special story. In this…
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon was an Easter egg for me. Maybe that’s an unusual term to reference a National Park as it’s usually describing something in the digital world, but Bryce Canyon was a joyful surprise, hidden away with a really great personal message, and because of this,…
Zion National Park
In the late 1800s, the first Mormon European settlers came to the area and called it “Zion” which is Hebrew for “Sanctuary” or “Refuge.” The Paiute Peoples who were native to the land called it “Mukuntuweap” which means “straight canyon” or “straight river.” As the lush…
Redwoods National Park
There is something so spectacular about feeling minute next to a tree. You are dwarfed by strength. The sheer size of the Redwoods gives instant perspective. They are century-old giants, living through passages of time that I will never see and can barely comprehend. In comparison,…